Tianjin University
Civil Engineering
Associate Professors(Senior Engineers)
Hydraulic Engineering
Department of Hydraulic and Hydro-power Engineering
Department of Port Engineering
Geotechnical Institute
Naval and Ocean Engineering
Department of Design and Management for Ship and Offshore Engineering
Department of Ocean Engineering
Student Affairs
State of the art, development procedure model, and vision of construction robots for a sustainable future
3D Printing of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) and Its Structural Applications
Recent advances in offshore geotechnical engineering
Main features and the conservation platform for the karst hydrosystem: case study deep vs. shallow lakes of Balkan Peninsula(Europe)
Introduction of cohesive sediment transport
Bioavailability of Tetracycline in Water and Soils to E. coli for Expression of Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Mini Symposium on Seismic Design of Bridge of NFEES
Mini Symposium on Structural Behaviour of Steel and Aluminium Alloy Structures
Innovative approaches to water quality modelling in coastal environments
Field study on suction distribution in bare and vegetated soils
Multiscale modeling of inelastic materials with Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks (TANN)
Hydrologic/Water Quality Modeling: From Simple to Complex
Influence of soil density on transpiration induced suction
Recent Development on Porous Materials and Fundamentals of MonteCarlo and Molecular Simulation Techniques
Enabling Mobile Robot for Autonomous Missions
High frequency ground motion: scattering waves propagation in a 3D heterogeneous velocity structure randomly distributed
Condition Assessment of Bridges with Physics-based and Data-driven methods
Achieving a Circular Economy in Construction
Strengthening of Bridge Pier Foundation Using Various Active and Passive Structural Strengthening Systems
Vibration-based Structural Damage Identification using Sparse Recovery and Sparse Bayesian Learning
New Zealand Seismic Design of Buildings and Some Research Studies
Architectural Applications Inspired by Tree
Development of Special Energy Dissipation Bracing for Corrugated Sheet Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall
Modeling of the Bio-Inspired Soil Penetration Process in a Granular Assembly
Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety
From clays to the cement paste and charcoals: bridging time and length scales gaps in the modeling of complex porous materials
Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety
Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety
A Holistic Approach to Reuse of Steel – Concrete Composite Structures
Multiscale modeling of debris flows and their mitigation
The Half-Space Elastodynamic Green's Function: an Analytical Solution from Cross-correlations of a Synthetic Diffuse Field
Environmental Impacts in Shale Gas Development in the U.S. and China: Assessment and Regulation
Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety
Building Fire Safety Design in the UK
An Innovative Modular Multi-functional Offshore Floating System
Progress in developing continental and global scale flood inundation models
Design and dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbine drivetrains
Design of Long-span Steel Structures by Second-order Direct Analysis Method
Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety
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